What's the deal with Copyright?

These days, it's so easy to access and create material illegally, both with downloadable internet materials, and the ol' school photocopy machine. Do you know whether or not you are acting legally each time you hit 'download' or 'copy'?

To read some generic information about what an educator can and can't do with copyright material, please go ahead and browse the website at Copyright Council of New Zealand . In a very brief nutshell, you are permitted to photocopy only 3% of a work, or 3 pages. Download a summary sheet for education here.

Educational Institutions in New Zealand have another option available to them, if they purchase a CLNZ Education License from Copyright Licensing New Zealand. Along with the responsibility to self-report your photocopying etc, comes the priviledge of copying a little bit more (up to 10%).

If your institution has a CLNZ Education License, here is a handy video which explains what you can do with copyright materials.

Here at the Language Fuel NZ Resource Room, we do not support illegal use of copyright materials. Please make sure that as you organise resources for your students, you stay within the legal requirements of copyright law.